Stahtes kai aima 2009


Exiled from her country since her husband's murder ten years earlier, Judith lives in Marseille with her three children. After having refused to see her family for years, Judith, in spite ...

Tous les titres
  • Στάχτες και αίμα
  • FR: Cendres et sang Cendres et sang
  • BR: Cinzas e Sangue Cinzas e Sangue
  • DE: Asche und Blut Asche und Blut
  • PT: Cinzas e Sangue Cinzas e Sangue
  • RO: Cenuşă şi sânge Cenuşă şi sânge
  • SE: Ashes and Blood Ashes and Blood
  • FR: Ashes and Blood Ashes and Blood
Date de sortie 09 Sep 2009
Lien IMDb
