RIS - Crime Evidence 2005

Mystery Drama Crime

It narrates the cases that have to face the scientific police team captained by Riccardo Venturi.

Tous les titres
  • IT: R.I.S. - Delitti imperfetti R.I.S. - Delitti imperfetti
  • BG: Веществени доказателства Веществени доказателства
  • HU: Árulkodó nyomok Árulkodó nyomok
  • IT: R.I.S. Roma - Delitti imperfetti R.I.S. Roma - Delitti imperfetti
  • IT: R.I.S. Roma 2 - Delitti imperfetti R.I.S. Roma 2 - Delitti imperfetti
  • IT: R.I.S. Roma 3 - Delitti imperfetti R.I.S. Roma 3 - Delitti imperfetti
  • IT: R.I.S. - Delitti imperfetti R.I.S. - Delitti imperfetti
  • PL: Wydział śledczy RIS Wydział śledczy RIS
  • PT: Crimes Imperfeitos Crimes Imperfeitos
  • RO: Crime imperfecte Crime imperfecte
  • RS: Несавршени злочини Несавршени злочини
  • RS: Римски форензичари Римски форензичари
  • IT: Crime Evidence Crime Evidence
Date de sortie 11 Jan 2005
Lien IMDb
